Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Benefits of Working Out on the Reformer--New Classes, too!

Did you know a Reformer workout provides more exercise than doing the same motions off the equipment? Some Pilates experts claim that the Reformer gives twice the workout. Whatever the Reformer gives in increased expenditure of energy, it has other benefits as well.

To make sure clients receive full benefits and avoid injuries during a Reformer workout, Reformer work should be guided by a Pilates Professional. Reformer workouts give its practitioners a stronger core, better stability, flexibility, and postural alignment while promoting cardiovascular health.

The Reformer, developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1900’s, uses a series pullies, bands and a sliding “bed” to give the user a smooth, progressively challenging workout that is easy on the joints and works the entire body right down to the toes. Currently about a 100 Pilates exercises in practice. They can be done laying down, standing, sitting, or kneeling. Reformer exercise relies on your own body’s weight for resistance, and employs progressively challenging movements to create long, lean muscles.

The no-impact Reformer workout is perfect for every fitness level: beginners, seniors, pregnant women, students, athletes--EVERYONE! The Reformer is even being incorporated into rehabilitation centers, doctor and chiropractor’s offices, as well as workout clubs and private Pilate’s studios like Studio Blue, where beginning next week, we'll be offering Reformer classes!

To read more about the benefits of a Reformer workout, see: http://www.pilatesinsight.com/pilates/pilates-faq.aspx

Reformer classes at Studio Blue begin next week! Three students per class. Each student has their own Reformer. Prices start at $30.00 for a drop in level. $135 for 5 classes. Our best deal--$250 for 10 classes.

If you’ve never tried the Reformer, these classes are for you! If you’ve tried the Reformer, you’ll love our classes and our incredible instructors. To schedule an appoint, call (503) 224-5013 or log into your Studio Blue account to schedule your own, or send us an email: Joanne@studiobluepdx.com

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