Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March News From Studio Blue

Yippee for Spring! Time to shed those winter duds and get to work on your swimsuit six-pack! We have lots of options for you this month if you're ready to get to work on your summer beach body!
  • Booty Camps: We're running 3 boot camps per week now, and plan to add more. Let us know if you'd like to join the next 6-week session of butt-kicking cardio combined with equipment and weight work. A 6-week session is just $75, and we guarantee you'll see amazing results! The next Sunday sessions start April 4th and the Thursday evening session starts April 8th.
  • Last Chance for Half Price Privates with Rebecca: She'll be getting fully certified soon, and once she does, her special half price Apprentice rate for privates will be gone forever. Jump start your spring fitness plan by doing a few private sessions with Rebecca on our pilates equipment, and start feeling those abs!
  • Special Workshop - Power Breathing with Rebecca: This new workshop will be held on Saturday, March 13 from 12 noon - 2pm. Learn how to intensify your workout and improve your results just by making a few simple changes to the way you breathe during your practice. Call us to reserve space or sign up now on our web site.
  • Early Morning and Sunday Classes: Would adding weekday 7am and/or Sunday classes fit your schedule? If so, then let us know! We want to make sure that we are meeting your needs, so if this is something you really want and can commit to, then tell us!
  • More Forrest Yoga with Angelina: Our Forrest Yoga workshop scheduled for March 20 is full, however we plan to add second workshop on Saturday, April 17 from 230-5pm, so let us know if you'd like to attend.
  • And if you've been thinking of joining us in Mexico for our Pilates & Yoga Retreat April 28 - May 2, then let's reserve a space for you now! Flights to PVR from PDX are still around $400 and you do NOT need to have a current membership or package with us to attend. We welcome you to bring your family or friends!
Let us know what else we can do this spring to meet your needs. We are here for you!

Dan, Jo and the rest of the Studio Blue Family

P.S. Join us in celebrating the 1980's on Monday and Tuesday, March 29-30...more info below!

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